Assisting you in choosing the right landscape intervention
About the interventions
The intervention tool is here to support you in customizing interventions to suit your landscape's needsExplore Interventions
This tools helps you decide which landscape interventions are best suited for landscape restorations in your landscape. Start by selecting the characteristics of your landscape on the left in the filter menu and browse through the interventions shown.
Alley Cropping
Artificial Reefs
Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR)
Charco Dams
Citizen Divers
Conservation Agriculture
Contour Bunds
Demi Lunes
Dune Fencing
Dune Grass Planting
Dune Thatching
Exclosures & Enclosures
Eyebrow Terraces
Fanya Chini
Fanyaa Juu
Farmer Managed Natural Regenaration (FMNR)
Fencing against Soil Erosion
Grass Seed Banks
Grazing Management
Green Gravel
Gully Rehabilitation with Stem Cuttings
Hessian Mattresses
Improved Fallows
Kitchen Gardens
Miyawaki Forest
Multi-storey Cropping
Muvuca Direct Seeding
Riparian Buffer Zones
Sediment Tubes
Stone Lines
Tree Islands
Tree planting
Vegetative Lines with Vetiver Grass
Water Spreading Bunds
Zai Pits
Regreening assistant
This assistent is designed to support your agricultural journey by providing expert guidance and solutions for regreening practices.